Tips Mengatasi Insomnia ( Susah Tidur )

Sebelum menjelakan cara mengatasi insomnia akan lebih baik jika kita memahami apa itu insomnia, Insomnia adalah kesukaran untuk memulai tidur ataupun mempertahankan tidur ( susah tidur ). Biasanya kesulitan tidur ini disebabkan oleh gangguan didalam waktu dan mekanisme tidur, hal ini biasanya diperberat dengan perilaku yang tidak sehat, seperti tidak teratur jam tidur, seringnya begadang dan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi sesuatu yang mengandung kafein seperti kopi dan juga rokok dapat menyebabkan susah tidur.

Berikut ini beberapa tips cara mengatasi insomnia tanpa bantuan obat-obatan yang bisa anda lakukan untuk mengobati dan menghilangkan insomnia ( susah tidur )
  • Melakukan olahraga teratur. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan berolahraga yang teratur dapat membantu orang yang mengalami masalah dengan tidur. Olahraga sebaiknya dilakukan pada pagi hari dan bukan beberapa menit menjelang tidur. Dengan berolahraga, kesehatan menjadi lebih optimal sehingga tubuh dapat melawan stress yang muncul dengan lebih baik.
  • Menghindari makan dan minum terlalu banyak menjelang tidur. Makanan yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan perut menjadi tidak nyaman, sementara minum yang terlalu banyak akan menyebabkan seringnya ke belakan untuk buang air kecil. Sudah tentu kedua keadaan ini akan mengganggu kenyenyakan tidur.
  • Tidur dalam lingkungan yang nyaman. Saat tidur, matikan lampu, matikan hal-hal yang menimbulakna suara, pastikan anda nyaman dengan suhu ruangan tidur. Jauhkan jam meja dari pandangan anda karena benda itu dapat membuat anda cemas karena belum dapat terlelap sementara jarum jam kian larut dan pada akhirnya anda semakin susah tidur.
  • Mengurangi konsumsi minuman yang bersifat stimulan atau yang membuat anda terjaga seperti teh, kopi, alkohol dan rokok. Minuman ini akan menyebabkan anda terjaga yang tentu saja tidak diperlukan bila ingin tidur.
  • Makan makanan ringan yang mengandung sedikit karbohidrat menjelang tidur, bila tersedia tambahkan dengan segelas susu hangat.
  • Mandi / berendam dengan air hangat 30 menit atau sejam sebelum tidur. air hangat akan menyebabkan efek sedasi atau merangsang tidur. Selain itu juga mengurangi ketegangan tubuh hal ini jg sangat bagus dibiasakan sebagai cara mengatasi insomnia.
  • Berhenti menonton TV, membaca buku, setidaknya sejam sebelum tidur.
  • Menggunakan tempat tidur, hanya untuk tidur. Hal ini akan membantu tubuh. menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan tempat tidur. Saat berbaring di tempat tidur maka akan timbul rangsanagan untuk tidur.
  • Melakukan aktivitas relaksasi secara rutin> mendengarkan musik, melatih pernafasan, meditasi dan lain-lain akan membantu memperlambat proses yang terjadi dalam tubuh sehingga tubuh anda menjadi lebih santai. Keadaan ini akan mempermudah untuk tidur
  • Menjernihkan pikiran. hilangkan segala kekhawatiran yang menghinggapi pikiran. Salah satu cara untuk ini adalah menuliskan semua pikiran melalui sebuah media.
  • Tidur dan bangun dalam periode waktu yang teratur setiap hari. Waktu tidur yang kacau akan mengacaukan waktu tidur selanjutnya

Demikanlah tips mengurangi masalah tidur anda. Ingatlah .. bahwa tidur merupakan kebutuhan pokok tubuh untuk pertumbuhan dan dapat membantu memperbaik fungsi organ yang terganggu. Insomnia bukan merupakan penyakit bawaan dan dengan demikian tentu akan mudah disembuhkan jika dengan cara mengatasi insomnia diatas telah anda lakukan namun tetap gagal maka segeralah untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter anda. Selamat mencoba semoga cara mengatasi insomnia ini dpt membantu.


Tips Mengatasi Sariawan

Buat agan2 yang mudik jauh keluar kota... Sebaiknya harus mengetahui tips-tips saya di bawah ini. Ketika anda sariawan, anda akan mengalami ketidaknyamanan dan kehilangan kenikmatan. Contohnya seperti saat berbicara, lalu saat makan dan minum pastinya akan merasakan ketidaknyamanan. Oleh karena itu saya memberikan tips untuk anda untuk mengatasi sariawan.

Ups~ Sebelum tips, ada baiknya kita membaca definisi dan penyebab dari sariawan itu sendiri. Lha, silahkan baca postingan saya berikut ini:

Apa itu sariawan?

Sariawan atau bahasa medisnya disebut stomatitis aphtosa adalah suatu kelainan pada selaput lendir mulut berupa luka pada mulut yang berbentuk bercak berwarna putih kekuningan dengan permukaan agak cekung.

Penyebab sariawan

Sariawan merupakan penyakit yang sifatnya self limiting artinya akan sembuh dengan sendirinya (umumnya dalam waktu 7-14 hari). Beberapa ahli menyebutkan, bahwa penyebab pasti dari sariawan itu sendiri belum diketahui secara pasti, tapi dari beberapa literatur, disebutkan ada beberapa faktor yang dapat menimbulkan sariawan, diantaranya:

1.Trauma mekanis

Trauma mekanis dapat disebabkan oleh:

•Tergigit pada bagian dinding pipi, bibir bagian dalam atau lidah

•Sikat gigi yang “nyungsep” (gara-gara ngelamun saat sikat gigi) akhirnya melukai gusi

•Pengaruh gigi palsu

•Pengaruh kawat gigi

2.Kekurangan vitamin C, Vitamin B12 dan zat besi

3.Infeksi bakteri/ virus

4.Kondisi tubuh tidak fit

Ketika pertahanan tubuh menurun, maka akan rentan sekali terinfeksi oleh bakteri/ virus tersebut

5.Reaksi obat tertentu

6.Mengkonsumsi makanan/ minuman panas


Individu tertentu dapat mengalami alergi terhadap makanan tertentu, karena makanan tersebut dapat menstimulasi terjadinya sariawan, seperti keju, coklat, kopi, kacang-kacangan, kentang, tomat

8.Kelainan pencernaan

9.Kurang menjaga kebersihan mulut

10.Faktor psikologi (stress)

11.Ketidakseimbangan hormone (pada wanita yang mengikuti siklus menstruasi)

Cara mencegah sariawan

Setelah mengetahui penyebab sariawan, maka anda pun dapat berusaha mempertahankan diri agar tidak terkena penyakit sariawan, diantaranya dengan cara:

1.Sering gosok gigi, agar kebersihan mulut senantiasa dapat terjaga

Kalau jarang membersihkan mulut, maka resiko terinfeksi oleh bakteri/ virus bisa lebih tinggi

2.Banyak minum, agar mulut lebih sering terbilas air, sehingga dapat meminimalkan kotoran yang bersarang di gigi/ mulut

3.Kumur-kumur dengan antiseptik, seperti air rebusan daun sirih atau produk-produk obat kumur yang mudah kita jumpai di apotek atau supermarker. Tapi jangan keseringan juga, karena bisa membuat mikroorganisme menjadi resisten

4.Tingkatkan daya tahan tubuh, dengan cara istirahat yang cukup, olah raga dan mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi

5.Menghindari stress

Cara mengatasi sariawan

Pengobatan sariawan bertujuan untuk mengurangi gejala yang ditimbulkan, berikut ini beberapa cara untuk mengatasi sariawan:

1.Berkumur dengan air garam hangat.

2.Berkumur dengan mouth wash yang mengandung thymol glyserin untuk mengurangi rasa tidak nyaman, atau berkumur dengan antiseptik yang mengandung chlorhexidine atau povidone-iodine

3.Perlindungan mekanis dengan sediaan berbentuk pasta atau serbuk yang mengandung carmellose sodium, atau sediaan berbentuk gel yang mengandung triamsinolon asetonida 0,1% (anda dapat membelinya di apotek dengan nama dagang Kenalog®). Obat tersebut di oleskan di bagian luka.

4.Untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dapat digunakan analgetik seperti salisilat, yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi iritasi dan luka lokal

How to prevent senile prematurely

1. Choose foods that are able to disable free radicals as well as cleaning the walls of blood vessels, so blood flow to the brain to be smooth. For example, spinach, mustard greens, oranges, broccoli, etc..

2. Mekanan which contain lots of omega 3 and omega 6 as eggs, soy beans, tofu, tempeh, milk and fish (sardines, Harring, mackerel, salmon) can prevent brain damage. Also eat 1-2 bananas fruit, is also capable of helping to regenerate brain cells with vitamin B6 has.

3. Stay away from places that berpolutan high as CO (carbon monoxide) which terkandng in-car smoke over the long term, can poison the brain.

4. Tackle stress, mislnya with meditation and hobby, do not forget to keep thinking positive.

5. Hone your brain, for example by reading, playing bridge, do crossword puzzles (TTS) and a puzzle (according to Case studies Wastern Reserve University of Ohio, berain puzzle can help you avoid brain disorders).

Garlic Benefits, Overcoming: Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Warts, Anti-Bacterial.

Garlic Benefits, Overcoming: Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Warts, Anti-Bacterial. ACCORDING to legend that was adapted into a variety of horror stories, garlic can ward off vampires or vampire. Perhaps the efficacy was only fiction, but in fact, garlic does have many health benefits for humans.

Plants that are commonly used as an ingredient in various traditional medicine is known to more than 100 biologically useful chemicals. Garlic also has antibacterial properties, antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant. Here are five properties of garlic which has been widely known:

Studies show that taking 600 mg of garlic per day will lower cholesterol levels dramatically.

The ability of garlic to fight infection and bacteria making it the subject of an effective treatment to overcome the warts and other skin problems.

Garlic is also a powerful aphrodisiac because it helps increase blood circulation which helps erection.

Garlic regulate blood sugar levels by increasing release of insulin in diabetics.

Garlic has antibacterial and anesthetic properties that can help cure a toothache.

7 Health Tips To Help You Live A Long And Happy Life

In order to live a healthy life, it is absolutely essential that you follow the seven tips listed below.

I am not a health expert, but I have read books written by health experts like . In fact, almost all of the statistics and recommendations you will see below are based on this fantastic book.

My thoughts are, if you can’t trust 30+ years of Harvard medical research, who can you trust?

Every recommendation on this page may not turn out to be 100% accurate. However, as of this decade, this is about the best that we humans know so far about eating right and being healthy.

If you follow the advice on this page, you will be way ahead of about 99.99% of the people on this planet as far as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Take these suggestions to heart. Apply as many of them as possible into your daily life, and I promise you will be on the road to a much longer and healthier life…

new food pyramid

1. Exercise And Maintain A Healthy Weight

The absolute, most important thing you need to do to be healthy is to exercise and maintain a healthy weight. What is a healthy weight?

That, of course, depends on how tall you are. The best way to determine if you are at a good weight for your size is to calculate your Body Mass Index (opens new window). I highly encourage you to click on the link and do a quick five second calculation of where you currently stand.

Eating the right things is very important, but your top priority should be getting your Body Mass Index under 25. If yours happens to be over 25, make it your goal today to get your weight into this “healthy range.”

It’s so important that you get your weight under control...

I am going to present a diet plan to help you out. Follow this plan and also an exercise plan if you currently aren’t on one. Speaking of exercise…

It’s essential that you add some sort of physical activity into your life.

Even if you are at a healthy weight, you still need exercise in your life. Not only will your heart thank you, but it will also help…

  • protect you from certain cancers
  • prevent diabetes, arthritis, and osteoporosis
  • reduce your risk of falling
  • relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • maintain your healthy weight!

I hope I have brought home the importantance of maintaining a healthy weight. But let me ease your mind a little about daily exercise…

A brisk walk is nearly as effective as a morning jog. You don’t have to make exercise painful and excruciating. What you need to do is get into the habit of doing a little bit every day. My workout routine is nothing elaborate. I jog a mile every day when I first get up. I also occasionally do some push ups and sit ups. And that’s about it.

I could go on and on about the benefits I have received from my morning jog. Here are just a few…

  • a better mood throughout the day
  • a decrease in anxiety and stress
  • much more energy throughout the day
  • the disappearance of that after lunch slump

The benefits truly do go on and on. But I’ll let you experience them first-hand and find out for yourself!

As far as what type of exercise is best, I’ll only give you one piece of advice. And that is to have an exercise routine that works all of your muscles. For example, I jog every morning. But that does very little for my arms and shoulders, which is why I also do some push ups and some weight training a couple times a week. You must give all of your muscles a workout. Otherwise, you are going to experience problems down the road with the areas of your body that you aren’t giving it’s proper exercise.

So, have a little variety in your exercise routine. This will help all of your bones stay healthy. And…

Maintain a healthy weight. Get started exercising. Now, let’s bring on the food…

2. Start Eating Good Fats

Easily, the biggest myth when it comes to eating is that fats are bad. This is completely false! Some fats are tremendously healthy for you.

So many diets out there consist of eliminating all types of fats from your diets. Not only does this give you nothing good to eat, it’s also very unhealthy.

Here’s a good rule of thumb:

The more people eliminate fats, the fatter they get!”

You need to have certain fats to live a healthy lifestyle. So, what are good fats and what are bad fats?

The bad fats are saturated fats and trans fats. You can live with some saturated fats in your life. However, trans fats should be completely removed from your diet. These fats, typically found in many things that you order at restaurants, are contributing significantly to the obesity that is currently in the world today.

Saturated fats can be found in things such as butter, chocolate, margarine, chips, and french fries. These fats are solid at room temperature.

The good fats are unsaturated fats. Whether they're polyunsaturated fats or monounsaturated fats, these fats are very good for your heart. You need to include these fats in your diet.

Unsaturated fats can be found in foods such as corn, nuts, fish, vegetable oil, and olive oil. These fats are liquid at room temperature.

The number one thing you should do when it comes to eating is to eat less saturated/trans fats and replace them with good, heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Here are some tips to help you do that…

  • replace red meats with healthier meats such as chicken or fish
  • make nuts your favorite snack
  • when choosing meat, get the leanest cut possible
  • replace butter when cooking with olive oil or vegetable oil
  • cut back on milk and other dairy products as much as possible

I cannot even begin to tell you how important it is to start eating healthier fats. Besides healthy weight and exercise, it’s the most important thing you can do to become healthy. Use the suggestions above and your heart will thank you.

3. Load Up On Whole Wheat

The second most important healthy eating tip is to eat plenty of whole wheat. The best way to explain the benefits of eating whole wheats is “almost every benefit imaginable.”

The more important questions are, how do we add whole wheat to our diet? And also, how can we tell if the whole wheat in food is real or fake?

The first place to get started is obviously in your bread selection. Look for the term “100% Whole Wheat.” Do not purchase any alternatives to this term. For example, terms such as…

  • made with whole wheat
  • 100% wheat
  • contains whole grain

…simply do not cut it! These are impostors to the healthy “100% whole wheat” label. This is the only thing you should look for when it comes to bread.

As far as other products go, look for “whole wheat” in the title. Whole wheat buns, whole wheat rolls, whole wheat cereal, etc., etc.! And speaking of cereal…

Cereal is another excellent source of adding whole wheat to your diet. Don’t think that eating healthy cereals is going to taste bad either. Here are a few that are loaded with whole wheat…

  1. General Mills Total
  2. Wheaties
  3. Cheerios
  4. Wheat Chex

Kick-start your morning with one of these cereals and one or two slices of whole wheat bread. It will make all of the difference in the world!

4. A Variety Of Fruits And Vegetables

This probably won’t come as a shocker, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is very important when it comes to healthy eating. It’s the third most important step behind good fats and whole wheat.

healthy foodWhen it comes to eating fruits and vegetables, there are two words that are essential. Those two words are more and different.

Try to eat as many different colors of each. With vegetables, have some green lettuce, orange carrots, red tomatoes, yellow corn and brown beans. Each vegetable has its own unique health benefit. SO, if you want to get all of the benefits from eating vegetables, start eating as many different kinds as possible.

The same goes with fruits. Have a yellow banana, a red apple, an orange, and a purple plum. I’ve yet to figure out why fruits aren’t more popular than what they are. They are very delicious and healthy at the same time!

Here are the top three benefits of having a diet rich in fruits and vegetables:

  1. It decreases the chance of a heart attack or stroke
  2. It protects against cancers
  3. It lowers your blood pressure

Try to have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Don’t count potatoes because there are some negative side-effects with potatoes. Also, uncooked fruits and vegetables are better because cooking them destroys some of the phytochemicals (benefits).

I will discuss in a little bit the use of common sense when it comes to your diet. Fruits and vegetables could easily be included in that section. Be smart and eat an abundance and variety of fruits and vegetables.

5. A Multivitamin Life Insurance Policy

A daily multivitamin is one of my four steps in how to have a perfect morning. It’s so important to get into the habit of taking a multivitamin. Here’s why…

No matter how perfect your diet is, it’s nearly impossible to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need. And since your body doesn’t naturally make these things for you, taking multivitamin supplements are the perfect way to make sure your body gets them.

You may have heard some negative things about multivitamins such as that your body doesn’t use 90% of what’s in the pill. And that statement may very well be true. But that other 10% that your body does use is extremely important!

Some of the vitamins that you likely have a hard time getting enough of on a daily basis are vitamins B6, B12, D, and Folic Acid.

The daily use of a multivitamin makes sure you get all of these essential vitamins!

6. Alcohol In Moderation

Of all of the seven health tips, this one is probably the least important. However, study after study shows that drinking one alcoholic drink a day adds great benefits to your health. More specifically…

Men who have one or two alcoholic drinks a day are 30-40% less likely to have heart attacks. For women, this number is slightly less but still very significant.

If you are young (under 50), it’s not the end of the world if you haven’t been drinking one or two glasses of wine everyday. However, I would highly encourage anyone over 50 to start having a glass of wine at dinner. Or, as some people like to do, a “shot and a beer” at lunch time.

For women, I should mention another important statistic. Anything more than one drink a day for women increases the chance of breast cancer by 20%. So keep it to just one glass a day ladies.

As I mentioned before, drinking alcohol in moderation isn’t the most important thing you can do. But it’s just another piece to the puzzle towards living a healthy lifestyle.

7. A Final Touch Of Common Sense

The more I study nutrition, the more I realize that most of it comes down to common sense.

Don’t get me wrong though. I still learn new things when I study nutrition. For example, I had no idea how important whole wheat was. Or that small doses of alcohol each day was actually good for you!

But when you study nutrition as much as I have, the more often you'll see the same things being mentioned time and time again. Eat fruits and vegetables. Avoid butter as much as possible. Don’t put so much salt on your food.

These things we already know. It’s just that we forget about how important they are and why we are doing them. I’m sure that it’s your plan to live a long and healthy life isn’t it? Just remember, your diet and exercise plan are extremely important. Never forget how important they truly are.

When you are out shopping at the grocery store, try to go for the healthy stuff as much as possible. You already have a good idea of what is good and bad. For example, pizza is bad. Fish is good. Ice cream is bad. Apples are good.

When all else fails, please, use your common sense. It will lead you to making healthier eating decisions a majority of the time.

If one box of cereal lists several health benefits on the front cover and another one says “chocolate fudge”, you know which one you should choose!

10 Sleeping Tips to Get a Good Nights Rest

Looking for good sleeping tips to really go to bed, stay asleep, and feel truly rested when you wake up? These natural, easy sleeping tips should really help!

1. Nicotine. Alcohol. Caffeine

What do these have in common? Well, other than being the bane of many people, including some activist groups. It's being a stimulant, and you might not have even notice the difference it makes.

Avoiding smoking, drinking (Which will disrupt your sleep, not help you sleep), and caffeine (The body doesn't store it, sure - but it takes hours to get out of your system) within an hour or two before bed will all keep you awake long past your bed time, and make it harder to stay asleep.

2. Exercise

Exercise won't help, right? It will just keep you up, right? Not really. The best kept sleep secret is that exercising a few times a week (Especially aerobic exercise) will give you a better, deeper sleep and let you go to sleep sooner.

Avoid exercise within 3-4 hours of bed, however. Too close to bedtime, and you end up not being able to go to sleep.

3. Nighttime Slumber

Try to adjust your schedule so that you're sleeping during the nighttime hours, and staying awake during the daytime hours. Avoid daytime naps that are longer than a half an hour, and try to nap in the midday hours.

If you work nights, buy dark curtains that will cover your windows, so you can sleep in the dark. Bright lights in the rooms that you spend the most time up - like the living room, bedroom, or kitchen - will help you feel more adjusted and awake, even if it's midnight when you're getting up!

4. Comfy

It's important to have a mattress that's comfortable, along with blankets and sheets that you like sleeping in, and a supportive, comfortable pillow. While we all have different needs, having enough room to stretch out, along with some comfortable cushioning, can help you get to sleep faster.

If you're having trouble with your sheets or blankets, remember that you don't have to buy sheets with the highest thread count possible. Buy something on sale, and wash it several times before using it - it will soften it up nicely for you!

5. Same Time

With work, it can be hard - but going to bed, and waking up, the same time every night keeps your internal clock on a schedule that it can manage. That way, you know when it's time to go to sleep, and time to get up.

Don't be begging for a 'few more minutes', night or day. Most likely, what you're doing can wait until tomorrow, and you'll feel better then, too.

6. Nice Room, Man

Keep your bedroom in the way that you think would best suit your body's needs for sleep. A cool, dry place is usually the best. Don't be afraid to experiment with your room!

Try things like a humidifier, eye masks, ear plugs, soothing music, blackout curtains, and anything else you can think of that might help you - just so that you're comfortable enough to sleep.

7. No Distractions Allowed

This isn't as common as most sleeping tips, as some places would say the obvious - but experts note that if you don't have any distractions while you're going to go to sleep, you're going to get to sleep faster.

This means shutting off the television, putting the cell phone in another room, turning off the radio, and avoiding anything else you might have in your room that's going to distract you.

You might think that those things are 'helping you', but really, they're just pulling you away from slumber.

8. Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is vital, and for this, you need to listen to your body - some people function wonderfully with 7 hours, but others need much more. It really does depend.

Most adults need 7-8 hours a night, and if you're finding yourself dragging in the morning, try to catch a few more 'zzz's' by going to bed sooner. When you've found the perfect amount, you should be able to wake up to the alarm ready to face the day.

9. Light Meals

Sure, that huge plate of comfort food - meatloaf, potatoes... - it was great then. But now, you're too full to sleep! How is that possible?

Eating a heavy meal before bed can hurt you, and keep you up as your body tries to digest the excess. Instead, eat lightly, or nothing at all before you bury yourself in the sheets for the night.

10. Liquids aren't your Friend

Don't get in a bottle of water while you're sitting in the bed, trying to sleep. You'll be getting up to go to the bathroom, and ruining the sleep that you just had with your little incident.

Instead, drink enough throughout the day that you can go to sleep and stay asleep.

Also... avoid Bright Lights

Bright lights before bed can really hurt your sleeping, because your body feels more awake, the brighter it is. There actually are a few things that you can do about it, too.

Installing dimmer switches are best, because you can dim your lights an hour or so before bed, and turn them up high when you're doing your normal routine. If that's a little pricey, keep two sets of lights in the bedroom - an overhead, bright light while you're doing things, and a dimmer bedside light that won't disrupt you so much.

Remember that good sleep is possible, no matter who you are!

Tips for Health and Fitness

Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. Feeling fit and at your personal best impacts every area of your life in most cases. It affects how often you are using sick time taken from work, how you respond in your relationships and how you feel in your daily life. Try some things from the list below and see how some simple changes can create great impact on your health and fitness state:

1. Use Herbs and Vitamins

It is true that some herbal supplements and vitamins out there on the market aren’t worth the price of their packaging and some are actually dangerous to your health there are many others proven to be great tools that can be used to increase health and fitness. It’s never a bad idea to check with your physician, a reputable nutritionist, or you can even consult your local health food store for information on what may be the best combination of supplements for your body.

2. Get some decent sleep

Sleep has been proven time and again to affect your health which then affects fitness as most people will not exercise and take care of nutritional needs if they are chronically tired. Sleep really does affect your health status. Recent sleep studies indicate that as a nation we are very sleep deprived which contributes to increased car wrecks due to micro-napping or distraction as well as irritability affecting all those around you. If you are not getting the proper amount of sleep, you will notice it in a visceral and very physical way. Generally experts recommend six to eight hours a night for most people although adolescents tend to sleep much more than that amount.

3. Reduce negative stress

Not all stress is a bad thing. Some stress occurs during all your daily life activities and cannot be totally eliminated however you are in control of how negative stress affects you and your health and fitness levels. No doubt you’ve heard all this before but it is important to begin implementing a program to reduce stress. Take 5 minute breaks throughout the day to deep breathe or take a short walk. Remind yourself of the things you can control and try to coach yourself into letting go of all the things which are not in your control.

4. Lighten up and laugh

Laughter truly can be the best medicine for you. Laughter produces positive endorphins and “feel good” chemicals in the brain and body. It stimulates the lymph system which releases excess fluids from the body. Watch your favorite funny movies or listen to a laugh machine which can be obtained at most joke or party stores. Strange as it sounds you can hardly keep from laughing when listening to even canned laughter. Attend comedy shows and theater events based on comedy or light hearted story lines. Spend time with family and friends who make you laugh which will help you put stressful times in perspective and just generally make you feel wonderful!

Making some simple changes can positively impact your health and fitness state of being. It’s not hard to make small adjustments and just think how much better your daily life will be when you are feeling at your best!

15 Tips to Restart Exercise Habit

It’s okay, you can finally admit it. It’s been two months since you’ve seen the inside of the gym. Getting sick, family crisis, overtime at work and school papers that needed to get finished all kept you for exercising. Now, the question is: how do you start again?

Once you have an exercise habit, it becomes automatic. You just go to the gym, there is no force involved. But after a month, two months or possibly a year off, it can be hard to get started again. Here are some tips to climb back on that treadmill after you’ve fallen off.

  1. Don’t Break the Habit – The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. This may be advice a little too late for some people. But if you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.
  2. Reward Showing Up – Woody Allen once said that, “Half of life is showing up.” I’d argue that 90% of making a habit is just making the effort to get there. You can worry about your weight, amount of laps you run or the amount you can bench press later.
  3. Commit for Thirty Days – Make a commitment to go every day (even just for 20 minutes) for one month. This will solidify the exercise habit. By making a commitment you also take pressure off yourself in the first weeks back of deciding whether to go.
  4. Make it Fun – If you don’t enjoy yourself at the gym, it is going to be hard to keep it a habit. There are thousands of ways you can move your body and exercise, so don’t give up if you’ve decided lifting weights or doing crunches isn’t for you. Many large fitness centers will offer a range of programs that can suit your tastes.
  5. Schedule During Quiet Hours – Don’t put exercise time in a place where it will easily be pushed aside by something more important. Right after work or first thing in the morning are often good places to put it. Lunch-hour workouts might be too easy to skip if work demands start mounting.
  6. Get a Buddy – Grab a friend to join you. Having a social aspect to exercising can boost your commitment to the exercise habit.
  7. X Your Calendar – One person I know has the habit of drawing a red “X” through any day on the calendar he goes to the gym. The benefit of this is it quickly shows how long it has been since you’ve gone to the gym. Keeping a steady amount of X’s on your calendar is an easy way to motivate yourself.
  8. Enjoyment Before Effort - After you finish any work out, ask yourself what parts you enjoyed and what parts you did not. As a rule, the enjoyable aspects of your workout will get done and the rest will be avoided. By focusing on how you can make workouts more enjoyable, you can make sure you want to keep going to the gym.
  9. Create a Ritual - Your workout routine should become so ingrained that it becomes a ritual. This means that the time of day, place or cue automatically starts you towards grabbing your bag and heading out. If your workout times are completely random, it will be harder to benefit from the momentum of a ritual.
  10. Stress Relief - What do you do when your stressed? Chances are it isn’t running. But exercise can be a great way to relieve stress, releasing endorphin which will improve your mood. The next time you feel stressed or tired, try doing an exercise you enjoy. When stress relief is linked to exercise, it is easy to regain the habit even after a leave of absence.
  11. Measure Fitness - Weight isn’t always the best number to track. Increase in muscle can offset decreases in fat so the scale doesn’t change even if your body is. But fitness improvements are a great way to stay motivated. Recording simple numbers such as the number of push-ups, sit-ups or speed you can run can help you see that the exercise is making you stronger and faster.
  12. Habits First, Equipment Later – Fancy equipment doesn’t create a habit for exercise. Despite this, some people still believe that buying a thousand dollar machine will make up for their inactivity. It won’t. Start building the exercise habit first, only afterwards should you worry about having a personal gym.
  13. Isolate Your Weakness - If falling off the exercise wagon is a common occurrence for you, find out why. Do you not enjoy exercising? Is it a lack of time? Is it feeling self-conscious at the gym? Is it a lack of fitness know-how? As soon as you can isolate your weakness, you can make steps to improve the situation.
  14. Start Small - Trying to run fifteen miles your first workout isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout.
  15. Go for Yourself, Not to Impress – Going to the gym with the only goal of looking great is like starting a business with only the goal to make money. The effort can’t justify the results. But if you go to the gym to push yourself, gain energy and have a good time, then you can keep going even when results are slow.

Air Travel Health Tips

With summer’s approach come plans for travel, including flying long distances. But the prospect of a long flight often raises health concerns. Especially in passengers who are older or have certain conditions, air travel and the related stress can have an impact on health. Here are a few trouble areas and some precautions you can take.

Deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). Not all experts agree on an association between DVT (blood clots in the legs) and air travel. Symptoms may not occur for several days, so it’s difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. If there is one, it’s likely due to prolonged inactivity. Limited airline space can discourage moving about. Dry cabin air may also increase the risk of DVT.

Prolonged inactivity slows circulation, allowing small clots to form in the legs and feet. The body’s own clot busters kick in for most people, but in people with certain risk factors, the clots can get big enough to block a vein. These include cancer, heart disease, infection, pregnancy, and obesity, as well as recent injury or surgery. Smoking also raises the risk, as do birth control pills, selective estrogen receptor modulators, and postmenopausal hormones.

DVT in the calf aches and gets worse over several days. The pain may be accompanied by warmth and swelling in the area around or below the clot. A clot in the thigh or at the juncture of the thigh and abdomen causes similar symptoms. The skin may redden or turn bluish. If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor; be sure to mention that you’ve recently traveled on a plane.

The biggest danger of DVT is that a clot will break free and lodge in one of the pulmonary arteries supplying blood to the lungs. This potentially fatal condition is called pulmonary embolism. Symptoms include rapid breathing, pain when breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain that travels up to the shoulder, fever, and fainting. It is a medical emergency. Air travelers can do several things to reduce their risk:

  • If you’re not at risk for bleeding and can tolerate aspirin, take a baby aspirin (81 milligrams) one-half hour before takeoff.
  • Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes.
  • Avoid crossing your legs while seated.
  • Get up from your seat and walk up and down the aisle at least once an hour. If you’re pregnant, request an aisle seat so that you can get up easily.
  • Drink at least 8 ounces of water every hour or two and avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and salty foods.
  • Keep the space under the seat in front of you empty so you can exercise your feet and ankles occasionally.
  • If you have any risk factors for deep-vein blood clots, consult your clinician. She or he may suggest support socks or stockings.

Reduced oxygen and air pressure. At cruising altitude, airline cabins have lower-than-normal air pressure and oxygen levels. Blood oxygen saturation during commercial flights can be 5%–10% lower than normal. If you’re in good health, your body can compensate, but if you have a lung condition, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or cardiovascular disease, you may need supplemental oxygen, even if you don’t normally use it. Ask your physician for advice several weeks before your flight.

If you need oxygen, call your airline to find out its policies and the cost. Airlines generally require advance notice, and the FAA doesn’t allow passengers to bring their own oxygen supply on commercial aircraft. Most airlines require a letter on your doctor’s letterhead confirming your need for supplemental oxygen while flying, along with the required oxygen flow rate. You’ll need a copy for every flight segment. Airline charges for oxygen range widely.

Ear pain. During takeoff and landing, cabin air pressure changes rapidly, disturbing the balance of pressure between the outer ear and the middle ear. Many people feel pain when the higher pressure stretches the eardrum, the membrane separating the outer and middle ears.

The Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, helps equalize the pressure on the eardrum (and causes the welcome pop you feel when the balance is restored). You can help the process by swallowing, chewing gum, yawning, or opening your mouth wide. A trick called the Valsalva maneuver may also work: Close your nose with your thumb and index finger and exhale gently against a closed mouth. Another option is EarPlanes, special earplugs that even out the pressure on the eardrum.

Jet lag. Crossing time zones often leads to jet lag, which can result in headaches, upset stomach and nausea, difficulty concentrating, and trouble sleeping. To help alleviate it, get plenty of sleep before you begin your trip. Keep well hydrated before, during, and after your flight. Change your wristwatch to the new time. As soon as you arrive at your destination, adjust your sleeping and eating schedule to the new time zone. This can be difficult if you’ve crossed many time zones, but try to force yourself to stay awake until the local bedtime, and get up in the morning when the locals do and get outside in the natural light. If you simply cannot stay awake until evening on the day you arrive, nap for no more than an hour or two. Engaging in social activities can also help your body clock adjust. When trying to stay awake, eat protein and vegetables and avoid starchy foods like pastas, breads, and rice.

Heart Healthy Tips

The Super Bowl is almost here -- and I couldn't be any more excited to suit up in black and gold and wave my Terrible Towel for the Pittsburgh Steelers. (Woot! Woot!) Obviously these guys do everything they can to edge out their competitors -- for this game, the Green Bay Packers.

This includes eating healthy high-octane diets. Leslie Bonci, R.D., the Steelers' nutritionist, makes sure that the players' diets keep them at their best, on and off the field. Last year, I visited Bonci at the Steelers' training camp to talk about how she keeps the players' hearts healthy. Her all-star tips will help keep your ticker in tip-top shape too.

Heart-Healthy Habit #1: Get Trim

If you're overweight (as two-thirds of American adults are), losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can result in better blood pressure, lower risk for diabetes and improved cholesterol levels, research shows.

Heart-Healthy Habit #2: Cut Back On "Bad" Fats

When Casey Hampton (a.k.a. "Big Snack") arrived at training camp in July 2008 too heavy to play, Pittsburgh Steelers nutritionist Leslie Bonci worked with the team's chef to create meals designed to slash Hampton's intake of calories and saturated fats, which can elevate "bad" LDL cholesterol, leading to plaque buildup in arteries. In place of fried chicken wings, Bonci gave Hampton grilled chicken strips with low-fat dipping sauces.

Other ways to reduce saturated fat: replace butter with olive and canola oils, which contain good amounts of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats; choose lean meats, poultry, fish and beans instead of higher-fat meats; select nonfat or low-fat milk and yogurt in place of whole-milk versions; eat full-fat cheeses sparingly. Avoid trans fats, which also increase LDL cholesterol, by skipping foods that contain "hydrogenated oil" or "partially hydrogenated oil" in their ingredient lists. (Big culprits include packaged snacks, crackers, bakery goods and some margarines.)

Heart-Healthy Habit #3: Eat At Least 25 Grams Of Fiber Daily

Studies link a high-fiber diet with a lower risk of heart disease. Unfortunately, the average American only gets about 14 grams per day. Soluble fiber in oats, beans and citrus fruits, such as oranges, helps reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol levels. Opting for whole grains, such as brown rice and whole-wheat pasta, boosts your intake of total fiber (by way of insoluble fiber, which is also good for digestion) and can decrease levels of triglycerides, another "unhealthy" fat in the blood, as a diet rich in refined carbohydrates may stoke the body's production of triglycerides.

Heart-Healthy Habit #4: Have Fish Twice A Week

Doing so may reduce your risk of heart disease by 30 percent, research suggests. Omega-3 fats in fish lower triglycerides and blood pressure; they also can help prevent irregular heart rhythms. Have trouble fitting in fish? Speak with your doctor about fish-oil supplements -- taking them daily helped current Pittsburgh Steelers to improve their cholesterol profiles, according to a January 2009 study in Sports Health.

Heart-Healthy Habit #5: Exercise For 30 Minutes Nearly Every Day

A 2009 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association credited NFL players' high level of physical activity with helping to mitigate the heart risks associated with being overweight. You don't need to be a professional athlete to benefit from exercise. Moderate exercise (e.g., brisk walking) will help to keep your heart healthy.

Healthy Sleep Tips

The following ten tips can help you achieve sleep and the benefits it provides. These tips are intended for "typical" adults, but not necessarily for children or persons experiencing medical problems.

Finally, if you have trouble falling asleep, maintaining sleep, awaken earlier than you wish, feel unrefreshed after sleep or suffer from excessive sleepiness during the day or when you wish to be alert, you should also consult your physician. Be sure to tell him/her if you have already tried these tips and for how long. To check for possible sleep problems, go to our checklist, "How's Your Sleep?"

1. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule including weekends.

Our sleep-wake cycle is regulated by a "circadian clock" in our brain and the body's need to balance both sleep time and wake time. A regular waking time in the morning strengthens the circadian function and can help with sleep onset at night. That is also why it is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep-in.

2. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine such as soaking in a hot bath or hot tub and then reading a book or listening to soothing music.

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep. Avoid arousing activities before bedtime like working, paying bills, engaging in competitive games or family problem-solving. Some studies suggest that soaking in hot water (such as a hot tub or bath) before retiring to bed can ease the transition into deeper sleep, but it should be done early enough that you are no longer sweating or over-heated. If you are unable to avoid tension and stress, it may be helpful to learn relaxation therapy from a trained professional. Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep.

3. Create a sleep-conducive environment that is dark, quiet, comfortable and cool.

Design your sleep environment to establish the conditions you need for sleep – cool, quiet, dark, comfortable and free of interruptions. Also make your bedroom reflective of the value you place on sleep. Check your room for noise or other distractions, including a bed partner's sleep disruptions such as snoring, light, and a dry or hot environment. Consider using blackout curtains, eye shades, ear plugs, "white noise," humidifiers, fans and other devices.

4. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows.

Make sure your mattress is comfortable and supportive. The one you have been using for years may have exceeded its life expectancy – about 9 or 10 years for most good quality mattresses. Have comfortable pillows and make the room attractive and inviting for sleep but also free of allergens that might affect you and objects that might cause you to slip or fall if you have to get up during the night.

5. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex

It is best to take work materials, computers and televisions out of the sleeping environment. Use your bed only for sleep and sex to strengthen the association between bed and sleep. If you associate a particular activity or item with anxiety about sleeping, omit it from your bedtime routine. For example, if looking at a bedroom clock makes you anxious about how much time you have before you must get up, move the clock out of sight. Do not engage in activities that cause you anxiety and prevent you from sleeping.

6. Finish eating at least 2-3 hours before your regular bedtime.

Eating or drinking too much may make you less comfortable when settling down for bed. It is best to avoid a heavy meal too close to bedtime. Also, spicy foods may cause heartburn, which leads to difficulty falling asleep and discomfort during the night. Try to restrict fluids close to bedtime to prevent nighttime awakenings to go to the bathroom, though some people find milk or herbal, non-caffeinated teas to be soothing and a helpful part of a bedtime routine.

7. Exercise regularly. It is best to complete your workout at least a few hours before bedtime.

In general, exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep. However, exercising sporadically or right before going to bed will make falling asleep more difficult. In addition to making us more alert, our body temperature rises during exercise, and takes as much as 6 hours to begin to drop. A cooler body temperature is associated with sleep onset... Finish your exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime. Late afternoon exercise is the perfect way to help you fall asleep at night.

8. Avoid caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate) close to bedtime. It can keep you awake.

Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it can produce an alerting effect. Caffeine products, such as coffee, tea, colas and chocolate, remain in the body on average from 3 to 5 hours, but they can affect some people up to 12 hours later. Even if you do not think caffeine affects you, it may be disrupting and changing the quality of your sleep. Avoiding caffeine within 6-8 hours of going to bed can help improve sleep quality.

9. Avoid nicotine (e.g. cigarettes, tobacco products). Used close to bedtime, it can lead to poor sleep.

Nicotine is also a stimulant. Smoking before bed makes it more difficult to fall asleep. When smokers go to sleep, they experience withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, which also cause sleep problems. Nicotine can cause difficulty falling asleep, problems waking in the morning, and may also cause nightmares. Difficulty sleeping is just one more reason to quit smoking. And never smoke in bed or when sleepy!

10. Avoid alcohol close to bedtime.

Although many people think of alcohol as a sedative, it actually disrupts sleep, causing nighttime awakenings. Consuming alcohol leads to a night of less restful sleep.

If you have sleep problems....

Use a sleep diary and talk to your doctor. Note what type of sleep problem is affecting your sleep or if you are sleepy when you wish to be awake and alert. Try these tips and record your sleep and sleep-related activities in a sleep diary. If problems continue, discuss the sleep diary with your doctor. There may be an underlying cause and you will want to be properly diagnosed. Your doctor will help treat the problem or may refer you to a sleep specialist.

11 Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Longer

One of the biggest myths about black hair is that it doesn't grow or grow as quickly as other types of hair. All hair grows an average of ½ inch per month, but it's how you treat your hair that determines how much you'll retain. Some women swear by vitamin regimens that call for popping pills all day long, while others cut their hair according to the phases of the moon. There's no mumbo-jumbo involved in hair growth. All that's required is your commitment to healthy hair practices and treating your hair with TLC. Here are 11 tips you can use to grow your hair longer and stronger:

1. Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Before we get to the outside, we need to take care of the inside. Yes, what you eat, drink and how you treat your body has an effect on your hair. You need to eat enough fresh fruits and vegetables, drink enough water and exercise regularly for your body's overall health. Since your hair grows directly from your body, when you treat your body well, your skin, nails and hair benefit, too. People who suffer from vitamin deficiencies and unhealthy diets can suffer from dry, brittle hair.

2. Get Regular Trims

This sounds counterproductive if you want your hair to grow longer, but trims help get rid of dry, damaged and split ends which can work their way up the shaft of your hair, causing even more damage. A trim is defined as removing ¼ to ½ inch of hair, nothing more. If your stylist insists on cutting off inches of hair every time you go in for a visit, your hair won't get longer, so either find a professional who understands exactly how much hair you need removed or learn to trim your hair yourself. Depending on the chemicals you have in your hair as well as your daily routine, you may need a trim anywhere from every six weeks to six months. The better you care for your hair on a day-to-day basis, the less often you'll need trims.

3. Use Moisturizing Products

Because black hair is often dry by nature, it's best to use products that replace needed moisture. This includes using shampoos and conditioners formulated for dry and/or damaged hair. These products don't have to come strictly from the "ethnic" hair aisle, either; many mainstream brands make hair products for different types of hair, from oily to dry.

4. Low Manipulation

There's no need to brush your hair 100 strokes per night before going to sleep. In fact, the less you do to black hair, the more it flourishes.

5. Use Protective Styling

Once your hair is a certain length, you might want to wear it loose all the time to let everyone know just how long it is. You want to feel the wind blowing it to and fro, but wearing your hair in protective styles more often than not will help you retain that precious length. Protective styles keep your ends – the oldest and often driest parts of your hair – from rubbing against clothing, pillowcases and car seats. By keeping these ends up and out of sight, you hold in the moisture your hair needs and prevent dryness that can lead to breakage. Protective styling also applies to nighttime care; a silk or satin hair cover or pillowcase is better for the health of your hair than cotton.

6. Stay Away from Heat

While occasional flat iron and curling iron use is usually fine (so long as the heat isn’t too high), you should minimize heat styling as much as possible. Choose hairstyles that don't rely on so much heat, as well as gentle styling methods like wraps, wet sets and twists.

7. Use the Right Tools

With all of the hair styling tools and accessories out there, it can seem overwhelming. What do you buy? The best tools and accessories for black hair work with its natural texture. They don't pull on it, but are gentle. When you lose less hair to tools and accessories, that's more hair you keep on your head.

8. Condition, Condition, Condition

This is crucial for having healthy hair. Besides the right shampoo and conditioner, use leave-in conditioners as well. You also need a good deep conditioner; use it at least once a month. Well-moisturized hair is less prone to dryness and breakage, leading to more hair retention.

9. Relax with Care

Chemical abuse is one of the biggest causes of hair damage in black women. Everyone isn't going to go to a professional to get her hair relaxed; even some who do may find that the stylist isn't putting hair health as her top priority. When it comes to growing relaxed hair longer, you can't relax too often, but when it's time for a touch-up, get one because the longer you wait, the greater the chance of breakage occurring where the relaxed hair meets the new growth. Overlapping a relaxer onto previously relaxed hair is another major cause of breakage. If you choose to wear your hair relaxed, it's best to find a competent stylist and stick with him or her – the fewer people you have applying chemicals to your hair, the better.

10. Go, and Stay, Natural

If you currently relax your hair and see a lot of breakage and damage, consider stopping chemical processes altogether. Many women have rediscovered their natural texture after years of straightening. Learning to work with your hair in its natural state may take getting used to; some women don't know what their real texture is like because their hair has been permed since childhood. While cutting off all of your relaxed hair sounds like the last thing you want to do to gain length, getting rid of chemically processed hair at once, instead of trimming away as your new growth comes in, is the easiest way to return to your roots. It also leads to less breakage and less frustration in dealing with two different textures.

11. Wear Gentle Styles

Black hair is not as tough as it may appear, so you need to choose styles that keep its fragile nature in mind. Too-tight ponytails and braids worn over extended periods of time will eventually lead to breakage. Hair styling should never be painful! Think: Be kind to your hairline and choose hairstyles accordingly.

Family Meals

Whether you have a toddler or a teen, here are five of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits:

  • Have regular family meals.
  • Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks.
  • Be a role model by eating healthy yourself.
  • Avoid battles over food.
  • Involve kids in the process.
But it's not easy when everyone is juggling busy schedules and convenience food, such as fast food, is so readily available.

Here are some ways to incorporate all five strategies into your routine.

Family meals are a comforting ritual for both parents and kids. Children like the predictability of family meals and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are also:

  • more likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains
  • less likely to snack on unhealthy foods
  • less likely to smoke, use marijuana, or drink alcohol
In addition, family meals offer the chance to introduce kids to new foods and to act as a role model for healthy eating.

Teens may turn up their noses at the prospect of a family meal — not surprising because they're busy and want to be more independent. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents' advice and counsel, so use mealtime as a chance to reconnect. Also, consider trying these strategies:

  • Allow your teen to invite a friend to dinner.
  • Involve your teen in meal planning and preparation.
  • Keep mealtime calm and congenial — no lectures or arguing.
What counts as a family meal? Any time you and your family eat together — whether it's takeout food or a home-cooked meal with all the trimmings. Strive for nutritious food and a time when everyone can be there. This may mean eating dinner a little later to accommodate a child who's at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the weekends, such as Sunday brunch, when it may be more convenient to gather as a group.

Tips for staying healthy in hot temperatures

With the arrival of summer and hot weather upon us, Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the California Department of Public Health, is encouraging California residents to follow these top-10 helpful tips to stay safe this summer:

• Reduce exposure to the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when UV rays are strongest, and keep physical activities to a minimum during that time. When working outside, drink plenty of water or juice even if you are not thirsty, and take rest breaks in the shade.

• Wear a wide-brimmed hat to cover the face and neck, and wear loose-fitting clothing to keep cool and to protect your skin from the sun and mosquitoes.

• Wear sunglasses that provide 100 percent UVA and UVB protection. Chronic exposure to the sun can cause cataracts, which left untreated, can lead to blindness.

• Liberally apply sunscreen (at least SPF 15)

15 minutes before venturing outdoors and re-apply at least every two hours — sunscreen prevents skin cancer, the number one cancer affecting Californians and prevents premature aging.

• Never, EVER leave infants, children or frail elderly unattended in a parked car. It can take as little as 10 minutes for the temperature inside a car to rise to levels that can kill.

• To prevent overheating, use cool compresses, misting, showers and baths — if you or someone experiences a rapid, strong pulse, feels delirious, becomes unconscious or has a body temperature above 102, call 911 immediately.

• Prevent children from drowning by providing adult supervision at all times and having a safety barrier that surrounds a pool or spa. Drowning is the leading cause of injury deaths for children under five.

• Make sure that your doors and windows have tight-fitting screens to keep out mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes carry West Nile Virus, which can mimic influenza symptoms such as fever, body aches and eye pain.

The virus can cause serious health complications and in rare cases, death.

• Apply insect repellent containing DEET, picaradin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR 3535 according to label instructions.

Mosquitoes usually bite in the early morning and evening so it is important to wear repellent during those times.

• Eliminate all sources of standing water on your property, including flower pots, old car tires, rain gutters and pet bowls — mosquitoes breed and lay eggs in standing water.

Tips Mencegah Cacingan Pada Anak

Cacingan pada anak sebaiknya jangan dibiarkan begitu saja karena bisa menghambat pertumbuhan badannya, untuk itu cacingan pada anak ini harus segera di atasi. Cacingan bukan merupakan penyakit baru, tetapi karena penyakit ini tidak terlalu berbahaya, banyak masyarakat kita yang menganggapnya sepele. Anak-anak biasanya lebih mudah terinfeksi cacing bila dibandingkan dengan orang dewasa. Mengapa ? karena anak-anak kurang bisa menjaga kebersihan diri misalnya tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan, tidak bisa membedakan makanan yang layak untuk dikomsumsi dan tidak bisa merawat kebersihan kukunya.

Dari mana saja cacing bisa masuk ke dalam tubuh anak ?

  • Melalui mulut : bersama dengan makanan yang tidak dicuci dengan bersih, atau tidak dimasak sampai matang.
  • Melalui pori-pori kulit : ketika berjalan-jalan tanpa menggunakan alas kaki di tempat dimana banyak terdapat cacing yang hidup di tempat yang kotor.

Akibatnya cacing yang masuk ke tubuh ini akan berkembang biak kemudian menyerap sari-sari makanan yang ada di dalam usus ataupun darah, sehingga sel-sel tubuh kita sendiri kekurangan sari makanan yang dibutuhkan untuk regenerasi sel dan pertumbuhan. Oleh karena itu mucul anggapan bahwa anak yang banyak makan tapi tetap kurus bisa jadi menderita cacingan. Tanda-tanda yang lain : perut buncit, rasa gatal di anus sehingga anak sering menggaruk, dan pertumbuhan fisik agak terganggu. Namun bisa juga cacingan terjadi tanpa menunjukan adanya gejala.

Berikut ada beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan para orang tua untuk mencegah dan mengatasi cacingan pada anak.

  • Biasakan anak anda selalu mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun sebelum makan
  • Usahakan kuku-kuku jari tangan anak tetap bersih.
  • Bila anak bermain di tempat becek biasakan mencuci kaki sebersih-bersihnya dengan sabun sewaktu mandi.
  • Usahakan anak anda jangan langsung tidur dengan kaki yang kotor karena becek. Telor cacing akan pindah ke seprai dan kemudian masuk melalui hidung sewaktu bernapas.
  • Bila makan makanan dengan sayuran mentah usahakan dicuci bersih dengan PK [permanganas kalicus] sabun cair.
  • Secara teratur tiga bulan sekali beri minum obat cacing pada anak anda – apalagi kalau ada keluhan rasa gatal-gatal di lubang duburnya.

Penanganan yang benar terhadap masalah cacingan pada anak bukanlah dengan cara makan obat cacing melainkan dengan membiasakan dirinya untuk hidup secara bersih dan hygienis


Puasa Membuat Tubuh Sehat dan Mengurangi Racun Dalam Tubuh

Puasa adalah kegiatan untuk menahan nafsu dari terbitnya fajar hingga terbenamnya matahari. Puasa ramadhan wajib hukumnya bagi umat Islam. Puasa bukan hanya dapat membuat tubuh sehat namun juga bisa mengurangi zat-zat racun yang ada di tubuh manusia.

Kalau anda merasa daya pikir dan daya tahan tubuh berkurang saat berpuasa, itu karena tidak menjaga kebutuhan gizi yang seimbang. Dengan makan yang cukup dan gizi seimbang, maka akan membuat anda lebih sehat. Berpuasa justru akan membuat tubuh lebih sehat. Sebab, puasa merupakan kesempatan paling tepat mengistirahatkan fungsi organ manusia.

Puasa adalah salah satu kegiatan mengurangi faktor-faktor yang meracuni tubuh (detoksifikasi). Bahkan, dari tindakan terapi dianjurkan berpuasa yakni, membatasi makan. Selama ini, banyak gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan dari faktor makanan. Oleh karena itu, dengan membatasi makanan saat puasa, berarti membatasi faktor yang beresiko pada kesehatan.

Selain mengurangi zat racun dalam tubuh, dengan puasa kita juga dapat mengurangi sejumah penyakit seperti, hipertensi, asam urat, diabetes melitus, jantung dan kolesterol. DENGAN SYARAT, harus melaksanakan puasa yang sehat. Bagaimana puasa yang sehat yakni harus tetap jaga keseimbangan dengan memenuhi kebutuhan gizinya. Artinya makan yang benar, puasa yang terencana dengan niat ikhlas, minum yang cukup, istirahat cukup tanpa mengurangi aktivitas rutin biasa.

Puasa bukan alasan untuk bermalas-malasan. Puasa sebagai salah satu upaya menguatkan disiplin kemandirian sehat, yaitu disiplin untuk mengendalikan kebutuhan jasmani dan rohani. Kesehatan luas terkait dengan kejiwaan fisik, ketenangan dan ibadah.


Bioresonansi: Terapi Untuk Menghilangkan Alergi

Alergi adalah suatu reaksi kepekaan abnormal dari tubuh terhadap suatu benda tertentu. Orang yang alergi akan memperlihatkan gejala-gejala alergi jika terkena zat-zat tertentu.

Alergi pada dasarnya merupakan kelainan fisik. Bagaimanapun, stres emosional yang berat, rasa takut, cemas, amarah, dan rasa jengkel dapat merangsang sistem saraf sehingga memperberat atau mencetuskan timbulnya gejala alergi. Faktor pencetus lain adalah infeksi, asap rokok, polusi, cuaca dingin/panas, dan kelelahan.

Anak dengan salah seorang orang tuanya yang alergi mempunyai kemungkinan 30% menderita alergi. Akan tetapi, bila kedua orang tuanya menderita alergi, anak tersebut kemungkinan menderita alergi 60%. Selain itu, lingkungan dan pola hidup juga mencetuskan gejala alergi, misalnya debu rumah, tungau, binatang peliharaan, kecoa, jenis makanan tertentu (misalnya susu, telur, ayam), asap rokok, asap mobil, juga obat-obatan.

Perkembangan terapi alergi selama ini menunjukkan kemajuan yang pesat. Awalnya, pendekatan terapi alergi hanya dengan penyuluhan untuk pasien agar menghindar dari faktor penyebab alergi tersebut. Lalu dengan berkembangnya dunia farmasi, beberapa jenis obat digunakan untuk meminimalisasi gejala yang timbul akibat alergi, misalnya antihistamin. Akan tetapi, obat-obatan ini tidak menyelesaikan permasalahan.

Pendekatan terapi beralih imunoterapi. Terapi ini melakukan pemberian berulang jenis zat yang diketahui menimbulkan reaksi alergi pada pasien tersebut. Pendekatan imunoterapi merupakan pencegahan dan perlindungan dari gejala alergi dan reaksi radang yang dapat timbul bila pasien kontak dengan alergen (zat yang menimbulkan alergi).

Terapi terkini adalah bioresonansi. Cara ini dapat mengatasi gejala alergi. Terapi ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu fisika gelombang/kuantum, yaitu ilmu fisika yang berdasarkan pada teori Einstein. Salah satu pengembangan ilmu biofisika ini sudah diterapkan sejak lama di bidang kedokteran pada alat rekam jantung atau yang lebih dikenal dengan EKG (elektro kardiogram).

Dalam biofisika, setiap substansi terdiri dari energi, juga menghasilkan energi. Dengan energi yang berupa gelombang/resonansi (getaran) inilah, sel-sel tubuh kita berkomunikasi satu sama lain pada frekuensi tertentu. Jika komunikasi antarsel ini berjalan harmonis, berarti orang itu ada dalam kondisi sehat. Namun, kalau komunikasi antarsel ini terganggu oleh substansi yang memiliki frekuensi gelombang lain, fungsi organ tubuh juga dapat terganggu.

Dengan menggunakan alat Bicom Bioresonance, pola frekuensi yang menimbulkan penyakit dapat diubah menjadi pola frekuensi yang efektif dalam pemulihan fungsi kekebalan tubuh. Metode ini mampu mengeliminasi gelombang abnormal dari bahan asing/alergen dan mengalirkan gelombang normal tubuh sehingga akhirnya menghilangkan sensitivitas yang berlebihan terhadap alergen tersebut.

Sebelum menjalani terapi, dokter melakukan anamnesis, yaitu melihat riwayat alergi pasien, orang tua, atau keluarga. Di sini pasien harus memberikan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya kepada dokter. Pasien dideteksi dengan Bio Tensor (sensor logam) seperti alat pancing, untuk mengetahui alergi apa yang diderita pasien. Dasar teknologi ini adalah biofisika, pasien hanya duduk santai, kemudian dokter atau terapis memegang, mengoperasikan Bio Tensor dengan tangan kanan, dan ampul berisi cairan alergen di tangan kiri. Apabila Bio Tensor bergerak mendatar/horizontal, artinya pasien tidak menderita alergi. Kalau Bio Tensor bergerak vertikal/naik turun, artinya pasien menderita alergi zat tersebut. Pasien dideteksi dengan 40 macam alergen atau lebih, yang memakan waktu sekitar 15 menit, dan hasilnya saat itu juga bisa diketahui.

Cara lain untuk mendeteksi alergi, sebelah tangan pasien memegang ampul berisi cairan alergen, tangan yang sebelah lagi diangkat kemudian oleh terapis ditekan, pasien harus menahan tekanan terapis. Kalau tidak bisa menahan/lemah, artinya pasien memang alergi. Sebaliknya, kalau bisa menahan tekanan terapis, artinya pasien tidak alergi terhadap alergen tersebut.

Terapi dibagi empat tahap dengan waktu sekitar 20-30 menit, basic therapy, geopathy, scar removal, blockage removal. Terapi dilakukan seminggu sekali. Sebaiknya selama menjalani terapi, pasien berhenti dulu makan makanan yang menyebabkan alergi, atau menguranginy

Tips Jantung Sehat

Penyakit jantung merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Kementrian Kesehatan RI, sejak tahun 2007 penyakit jantung ‘membunuh’ lebih dari 220.000 jiwa per tahun di Indonesia, hampir dua kali lipat dari angka kematian yang disebabkan oleh TBC (tuberkolosis) yang ‘hanya’ 127.000 jiwa per tahun. Angka kematian ini tentunya akan semakin bertambah seiring dengan gaya hidup masyarakat yang semakin lama semakin memburuk. Mulai dari kebiasaan merokok, minum alkohol berlebihan, makan makanan berlemak, dan sebagainya.

Nah, berikut ini ada 7 tips sederhana yang bisa Anda terapkan untuk mengoptimalkan kesehatan jantung Anda.

Bernapas. Pernapasan dalam dan perlahan akan mengurangi beban kerja jantung, membuat jantung lebih kuat, bekerja lebih efisien, mendapat cukup oksigen, mengurangi hipertensi, dan membuat jantung awet.

Tidur. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan tahun 2010 menunjukkan bahwa orang yang tidur hanya enam jam sehari atau kurang, tubuhnya beresiko memiliki banyak protein C-reactive yang berkaitan dengan penyakit jantung.

Jalan Kaki. Sebuah studi yang dipublikasikan dalam New England Journal of Medicine menyatakan bahwa jalan kaki dengan cepat selama tiga jam seminggu akan menurunkan resiko terkena penyakit jantung koronan sekitar 30 – 40 persen. Studi yang dilakukan peneliti dari Duke University Medical Center, Durham, AS, juga mengemukakan bahwa jalan cepat 30 – 45 menit per hari (atau 2 – 3 jam per minggu) akan menjaga kesehatan jantung.

Buah. Konsumsi buah setiap hari akan mendukung kesehatan jantung. Tak perlu buah yang mahal kok, cukup buah-buahan tropis yang murah dan mudah didapat. Misalnya saja pisang yang kaya akan potasium yang baik untuk menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi dan menjaga otot jantung. Atau pepaya dan jeruk yang mengandung vitamin C, folat, serat dan karotenoid yang bersifat antioksidan dan baik untuk jantung. Selain itu, Melon juga kaya akan vitamin C, potasium, dan antioksidan karotenoid.

Sayuran. Berbagai sayuran yang mudah dibeli di pasaran juga baik untuk jantung. Di antaranya:

  • Bayam, mengandung vitamin C dan betakaroten yang akan menjaga kesehatan pembuluh darah arteri. Juga kaya akan potasium dan magnesium yang penting untuk mengatur kerja otot jantung serta menurunkan hipertensi. Asam folatnya dapat menurunkan kadar homosistein yang bisa menimbulkan penyakit jantung. Peptida-nya, menurut studi yang ditulis dalam Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, dapat menurunkan hipertensi.
  • Brokoli, memiliki banyak zat pelindung jantung, seperti vitamin C, A, dan sulforafan.
  • Tomat, adalah sumber likopen yang sangat baik. Hasil studi terbaru dari Harvard menyatakan, konsumsi likopen akan mengurangi resiko serangan jantung hingga 50 persen. Itu karena likopen mampu mencegah kerusakan sel di arteri.

Air. Studi yang dimuat dalam American Journal of Epidemiology tahun 2002 menemukan orang yang minum lebih dari lima gelas air per hari, resiko terkena serangan jantung akan berkurang hingga 41 persen. Kekurangan air akan membuat otot jantung bekerja keras dan darah menjadi lebih kental.

Senyum. Senyum dan tawa baik untuk sirkulasi darah, mengurangi beban pembuluh darah, dan mencegah penyakit jantung.

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